Now that you’re 16 weeks pregnant, things are getting pretty exciting.
You may have a second antenatal appointment with your midwife to check baby size and fetal development and also hear baby’s heartbeat again.
How Big Is Baby at 16 Weeks Pregnant?
At 16 weeks pregnant, baby is the size of an avocado, measuring 4.6 inches long and weighing in at 3.5 ounces.
What does my baby look like at week 16?
Did you feel a little flutter? Perhaps a bubbling sensation? This could be your baby moving!
Your baby’s nervous system continues to develop, and the muscles in their tiny limbs can flex. They can make a fist and might even grab and pull their umbilical cord.
If you could see their face, you might be able to see them making facial expressions, like a frown or squint. They can’t control these facial muscles yet though.
16 Weeks Pregnant Is How Many Months?
16 weeks pregnant is three months and about three weeks pregnant.
There are some 16 weeks pregnant symptoms that are actually good. For example, some moms-to-be find their hair and nails grow faster. Your hair might actually look thicker and more lustrous and your skin might look radiant, too. Some other symptoms are:
Your aching back is a side effect of pregnancy hormones. To ease backaches, make some time for low-impact exercise. Sit and stand up straight and regularly stretch your body.
Cramping in your legs:
If you’re being kept awake at night by sudden sharp pains in your leg, try gently exercising your legs, ankles and feet during the day – and see if that prevents it.
This is also known as #PregnancyBrain. No one knows for sure what causes pregnant women to become more forgetful. It could be biological or it just could be a result of having lots on your mind!
Dry, itchy, sensitive eyes:
Blame the hormones once again! You could try over-the-counter eye drops, but be sure to consult your OB before choosing one.
Glowing skin:
Finally, that pregnancy glow that people are always talking about.
Varicose veins in pregnancy:
Pregnancy hormones can make your veins stretch. This, together with the increased blood supply to your skin, can lead to varicose veins.
Read more: 12 Weeks Pregnant
Read more: 13 Weeks Pregnant