I try to check my handbags from time to time and update the content. This helps me sieve out items I no longer need or need to carry. Here is a quick checklist of what I have in my handbag now. What’s in yours?
Here are my top 10 essentials I think every mum should have.
1. Emergency Diaper
If your baby is still in diapers, you need to always carry at least one emergency diaper. It will save you during a blow out when you have no diapers left in his diaper bag.
2. Wipes
Wipes make the world a happy place to live in. Wipes is used for everything. From cleaning up after a quick meal to wiping dust off your desk at the office and even to clean that smeared makeup on your cheeks. They also come in handy when your kids need them. It’s always a win to carry wipes.
3. Hand Sanitizer
This is not even negotiable. Especially if you have a toddler. Kids pick the weirdest things from the floor. You need to always be armed with a hand sanitizer. It will also come in handy for quick bathroom runs at the mall.
4. Hand lotion
The hand lotion helps you freshen up quick. After washing your hands, rub on a little hand lotion to prevent your hands from getting white. The fragrance also makes you smell fresh.
5. Tissue Paper
Spit outs, runny nose, spills, smears? Your tissue will come to your rescue. You can have a pocket tissue. It is easier to carry.
6. Makeup
You really don’t need a full makeup kit in your bag for quick errands. All you need is a powder and a lip gloss to fresh up if you need to go somewhere unplanned. Never to be caught unfresh!
7. Small Toy
Small toys like cars and dolls will be useful during long drives and queues. Something to keep your little one’s fingers distracted.
8. Sunglasses
Sunglasses are not only super fashionable but also useful to hide those dark circles and eye bags after a long night of breastfeeding and of course shields your eyes from the sun glare when driving.
9. Hair comb or brush
You’ll never know when you’ll need this. It’s safe to always carry one either to quickly pull yourself together when you need to dash or for your baby’s untidy hair.
10. Snacks
Unopened emergency snacks will save you from plenty whining and “mummy, I am hungry’. If you stay out longer than planned, chances are you’ll have a whinny kid in your hands in no time. Whip out your bribe…oh I mean snacks, and every thing will be fine. For now!