At week 24, expect more pokes and quicks. Your baby’s bones have been growing, he’ll like to show off a little bit (lol).
Congratulations on your baby! If you are 24 weeks gone, you are nearing the end of your second trimester which ends by 27 weeks! Well done!
As your baby grows and develops week after week, internal and external changes occur. These are some of the developments that happen at Week 24.
Your baby’s lungs are formed by this week, but they will only be ready to function normally in the outside world after they start producing a substance called surfactant. This will start in the upcoming weeks — often around week 26.
Changes in your body- Mum
Belly: you may have gained about 10 or 15 pounds, and your belly is still growing day by day. If you feel like your belly is pulling you down, you may need to get a maternity belt for ample support.
Skin: It’s possible you start noticing darker patches on your skin or face due to hormonal changes. Once your baby is born, it will fade out with time.
Round ligament pain: That dull pain you feel on either one or both sides of your abdomen is called Round ligament pain. It is caused by the ligaments holding your uterus in place now becoming strained and stretched. Stretch gently and change positions from side to side to reduce the pain. If the pain ever gets too intense; if it’s accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever or bleeding; or if you’re at all worried, contact your healthcare provider for a checkup.
Leg cramps: It’s not out of place to start experiencing leg cramps from now. In fact, some women encounter this symptom from time to time right up until the day your baby is born. Although experts don’t know the exact cause of leg cramps during pregnancy, they do agree on what to do about them. Stretch your calf muscles before you go to sleep at night, stay physically fit through regular exercise, and drink plenty of water to help reduce cramping.
Loss of balance and dizziness: Your belly keeps growing daily and of course, this will have an effect on your balance. It is also possible you experience dizziness at this stage. Hang on tight, this too shall pass.