It’s easy to get carried away and say things to “encourage” new mums which end up upsetting them. These are 5 things you should never say to a new mum.
We know you mean well, but please avoid saying these 5 things when you come visiting or even if you are the dad. Honestly!
1. You look worn out
She knows, she has a mirror. You don’t need to remind her of how she looks! It’s a no-no. Why restate the obvious?
2. “It’s just a phase”
True. It’s probably just a phase and it will even out soon. However, to a new mum that is worn out, tired, sleepy and on the verge of losing it. It isn’t just a phase. It’s everything.
3. You still look Pregnant
Now this one ticks me off. Breastfeeding isn’t the easiest of a task and neither is motherhood the simplest of jobs. It’s a lead role you land without prior experience. Her self esteem is probably not at it’s best at the moment. Your joke can make her fall into depression.
4. What are you feeding your baby! He is so big!
Love me some chubby baby! But sometimes, it comes off as offensive. No one wants to end up with an obese baby. NO- ONE.
5. You should breastfeed exclusively
Err, nope! Not everyone has it so easy. She was told at the hospital 1 million times before she left, you one extra time won’t make much difference. Trust me.
As a new mum, what other comments do you find offensive? Please drop a comment!