Real mum of twins shared their winning tips on caring for newborn twins!
Taking care of one newborn is a lot of work, let alone two! These time-tested tips will help you cope better and maintain your sanity, leaving you and your precious ones smiling (most of the time).
Here are 5 tips you can use
1. Feed them at the same time
There is always the temptation to feed only the baby awake. However, this means only one thing, you’ll be nursing or bottle-feeding your babies round the clock. Sync their feeds. When one baby wakes up, wake the second and go once so you can get some free time. Once you get the hang of it. It will save you time and, hopefully, let you get more rest. No matter how little, it will make a difference.
2. Don’t buy two of everything
Yes, it is easy to fall victim to the ‘twining’ trend. If you have a lot of money, then go for it! But if you don’t, you really don’t need to double up on everything. Instead, buy gender neutral colours (especially if you have a boy and a girl). Opt for unisex onesies, shoes and sleepers in the early days so you can interchange outfits. There are some items like car seats, diapers, wipes and other basic needs you’ll need to stack, but when you can, avoid buying two of everything.
3. Get help
Don’t go in alone, caring for two babies at a time is a lot of work. Two babies crying, two mouths to feed, two diapers to change, two babies to dress. You get the point.
4. Get them ready at the same time
Bath your twins at the same time with a helping pair of hands from family and friends.