Not only toddlers like to play. Newborns too! No such thing as too young for fun.
Here is an age appropriate guide to the best games for babies.
Birth -3 Months
At this stage, babies enjoy routines like rocking, swaying, music, imitating their coos. You can also ry hanging a simple mobile above her crib. She’ll like the mobile’s motion and bold patterns.
3- 6 Months
Your baby can see objects distant objects clearer now and is getting to understand what her body is capable of. Don’t be caught unawares if your baby rolls off the bed to the floor. Try to guard the edges so you are not in for any surprises. Your baby can rock himself now in his bouncy seat and use his fingers or legs to kick the toys hanging over the seat so they can make rattling sounds. Let your baby have enough back time and tummy time. You can also introduce stuffed animals, rubber toys and teething rings so he can feel and learn different textures. As you play with him, he will learn from you. Reciprocate the big smile when he gives one and imitate the happy cooing sounds. It helps foster attachment between you and your baby.
6-9 Months
By now your baby is beginning to understand the concept of object permanence; knowing a person or an object still exists when not in sight. Play peek-a-boo often with your baby so he knows objects can be hidden but they don’t disappear. Also, if he likes to toss objects to the floor, give him his toys to toss and pick it up for him. You can also hide stuffed animal or toy under a blanket and asking, “Where’d it go?” Before revealing i again.
9- 12 Months
Independence is calling! Now your baby is self-aware of the things she can do. From pushing buttons on toys to make his favourite sounds to picking up food chunks from her plate to feed herself. He is probably crawling, walking or cruising by now, it is time to child proof you home. Get physical with your baby. Bouncing her up and down will be fun for her but will also strengthen her muscles for standing and walking. She may also like you to hold her safely in your arms while spinning around.
12- 18 Months
Your big baby likes adult things now! Not just food, but also imitating adult activities. Your baby is interested in all the toys in her toys box and every thing in your kitchen cabinet. Now that your toddler is mobile, it is time to clear up sharp or dangerous objects within reach. Your baby will imitate everything he sees and hears from holding your phone to his ears while chatting away to feeding her doll bottle. Play along with his pretend plays with hide and seek games. Even though you can see his legs behind the curtains, shout ” Where is Peter?” and act surprised when he comes out of hiding!
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