If you are obsessed with Christmas like me, then you’ll know there’s no such thing as too young for gifts!
There is a wide range of gifts you can consider for your little one. From teethers to toys that make sounds, these toys will keep your baby busy for some time to come. I bet you like the idea already.
Here are 4 great holiday gift Ideas For Babies
0-3 Months Old
In the early days, before a baby is able to grasp objects, and sit up, she’ll appreciate toys she can listen to or look at. Think of toys that move slowly and produce a gentle sound.
1. Wind chimes: Babies love soft music, so hang a set of these in a place where she can watch it move and listen to the sound. If the chime is near her crib, your baby may fall into the habit of watching it for a few minutes before drifting to sleep. Hold her up once in a while so she can sound the chimes herself, too.
3-6 Months Old
2. Activity Gym
A soft mat that gives babies four ways to play: lay and play, tummy time, sit and play, or take along. Music sounds whenever the piano keys or hangings are hit, and activity toys keep little hands entertained. Choose short- or long-play music, and watch your baby kick and have fun.
6-9 Months
3, Shape sorters: Trying to figure out why the square block won’t go through the round opening is a nice challenge for early problem solvers. This is one of those toys that fascinate, and only occasionally frustrate, a baby this age. You can also just give him a clear, plastic container and some balls or blocks. Then watch the fun begin!
9-12 Months
4. Push toys: These give your toddler a chance to exercise his new walking skills. Choose one that’s heavily weighted – like a wagon – so your baby can lean into it and take a lap or two around the living room. (Most babies this age are still too young for pull toys, which are better for slightly advanced walkers who can look behind them as they move forward.) Newfound mobility is a heady experience. But even after the novelty of walking wears off, your baby will enjoy pushing and pulling toys for months to come.