Your baby is finally here! Congratulations.Is it becoming overwhelming and you feel like you are doing it all? These 5 tips will guide you on how to get your partner more involved and hands-on with the baby.
These are 5 things you can do to get your partner more involved with raising the kids…
1. Be clear on what you want
Stopping hinting and go straight to the point. Men are not wired the same way as women, therefore, your hints may not hit home. So instead of saying “the baby’s diaper is wet but I am busy cooking”, say, “Will you please wipe and change the baby’s diaper so I can finish up here in the kitchen”. Simple and straight-forward. Sometimes they want to help but they don’t know where to start or what to do.
2. Avoid the use of the words “never” and “always:”
Do away with words like “never” and always” as they are most of the time untrue and exaggerated. Don’t say” my husband never helps out” or “my partner is always watching TV”. While it may seem so as they spend a lot of time doing this things, it doesn’t make it 100% correct. Identify the areas where he does contribute and build from there. I like that you help with … but I will also like you to help with ….
3. Make a list/guide
Make a written list or give individual instructions rather than rattling off six different things for him to do. If you need him to pack up your baby’s bag, write out the lis of items and hand it over. He will figure it out.
4. Make it a duty to say thank you
Okay I get it. It is his responsibility to share these tasks but even the employee you pay salary to, don’t you say thank you when they complete the tasks assigned? Make him feel needed and appreciated.
5. Don’t Nag When He Gets It Wrong
Let him do things wrong. Realize that your husband may do things differently than you do. He may make a mess when he changes a diaper or take 3 times as long to dress up the kids than you do. Just watch, smile and say thank you.