Trusting your child with a total stranger can be scary. I know that feeling. Now that you have found someone you think is good enough to take care of your little Princess, here is a checklist she must have.
We do not pray for negative happenings but we need to know in life, things happen and we need to be prepared for them. Print out emergency contact numbers of several relatives, friends, and neighbors and paste somewhere within reach for your nanny. Also place health insurance cards where she can access them in case need arises and you are away.
2. Mobile Phone etiquette
You need to emphasize the importance of always having a mobile phone close by to your nanny. Always keep your cell phone with you. It is important to be able to get to your phone quickly in the event of an emergency.
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3. Create Routines
Establish a clear routine for your child(ren) and let your nanny know. Explain what the children’s nap and bedtime routines are. If a bath is to be given, know what products are to be used. Some parents prefer to bathe their own children and put them to bed and prefer that this not be one of the nanny’s tasks. That’s also fine.
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4. Feeding
Create a meal plan and share with your nanny. Show her how to prep or warm up the meals, what time to feed and what quantity. Also have a document where she inputs the day’s activities. Did your child eat? Nap? Play as usual? This will help you monitor your child’s day to day activities and know when something is wrong.
5. General care
If your baby is still in diapers, let her nanny know where the diapers are stored, what products to apply to her bum after clean up and what quantity. If your child is potty training, you will need multiple clean underwear daily. Let her know where they are kept. If you have a potty training routine, share the information as well so she can follow through.
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