I ran a poll on Instagram last week to gather the best tips mums have on potty training and here is all I learnt!
It is important to note that different tips and tricks work for different kids and parents and, sometimes, you find success where someone else failed. Be ready for trail and errors till you find what works for your little one and you as a parent.
Is your toddler ready to be potty trained? Here is how to find out!
1. Can you child walk to the bathroom to get her potty?
2. Can your child undress on his own?
3. Can your child stay dry for up to 2 hours
4. How predictable is your child’s bowel movement?
5. Can you child communicate if she needs to pee?
Is your child keen on using the toilet and flushing even if it is out of curiosity?
If you answered yes to most of the questions, your child is ready to be trained and if you answered no, you might want to wait a little longer.
Here are 10 tips that will help get her potty trained.
1. Wait till your kid is ready
I know some people have had success with younger kids, but it is usually more difficult. Wait till they can talk and can also follow simple instructions.
2. Make it fun!
Go to the bathroom when your baby needs to go and make a game out of it. Who pees first? Who gets to flush? Who dresses up faster? This will be exciting for your little one.
3. Be ready too
Potty training takes a lot of commitment and consistency. Be sure you are ready as a Parent.
4. Keep your baby’s potty close and within reach
When you are potty training a child, it is important the potty is always available if they need to pee. They should be able to find it themselves.
5. Avoid fitted jeans
If your baby can’t remove that clothing item, stay away from it while potty training, if not, you will end up with a lot of dirty jeans.
6. Observe Potty Breaks
Sit your child on the potty for 5 minutes every two hours, first thing in the morning and before bed time at night to empty the bowel.
7. Ditch the diapers
After a few weeks of successfully staying dry, transition to training pants from diapers.
8. Pay Attention
If you notice any sign that your baby wants to pee or poo, either by the sounds he makes, posture or holding the genitals, act fast and transport him to the potty immediately. He’ll get used to this.
9. Entice if you have to
There are new potty designs that either sing or have lights on them. Anything to get them seat long on the potty is fine. If you don’t have any of those, feel free to hand her a toy or book to play with.
10. Teach Hygiene
Make sure your child washes her hands after potty time. Also, teach girls to wipe carefully from front to back to prevent germs from the rectum to the vagina.
Do you have other tips? Please share!